HomeOxyHeal Health Group Wall Mural Business Case Study
Business Case Studies

OxyHeal Health Group Business Case Study

Oxyheal Health Group planned to install a hyperbaric chamber at the University Medical Center (UMC), Las Vegas, Nevada in order to perform Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treatments (HBOT) for its patients. The oxygen therapy allows the blood to carry more oxygen, enables the body's ability to fight bacteria, and heals wounds. This significantly enhances patient outcomes in a number of areas such as orthopedics, surgery, infectious disease, radiation oncology and emergency medicine.


Patients entering a hyperbaric chamber are often there as a result of trauma. Ed Chomas, Chief Operating Officer of Oxyheal, has a love for underwater marine life and felt that the calming quality of an underwater mural would bring patients greater comfort while undergoing therapy.

Murals Your Way Solution:

After searching through various images, Oxyheal Health Group decided which images to use. Detailed measurements and blue-prints of the hyperbaric chamber were passed along to graphic artists at MYW. The artists edited and rearranged the underwater life until and Ed was happy with the final product. Once the chamber was installed, the final measurements and adjustments were made on site and the mural was printed and shipped to Las Vegas for installation.

They were the best customer service representatives I have ever worked with in my entire life! — Ed Chomas


Oxyheal Health Group was extremely happy with the product they received from Murals Your Way. The wallpaper installer gave high reviews in regards to the quality of the product and the ease of installation. Ed Chomas also reported enjoying the process of working with Murals Your Way stating, "They were the best customer service representatives I have ever worked with in my entire life!"

Learn how Murals Your Way can customize any mural to fit your business and commercial project goals.