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Explore Wildlife with Bear Wall Murals and Bear Patterned Wallpapers

Add a focal point to a rugged decor style or celebrate the wild power of nature with a bear mural or bear wallpaper in your home or business. While they have a fierce history, bears have also come to symbolize a mother’s protection and tremendous strength of spirit. With a population that spans four continents and a history that dates back to the late Eocene, bears have become a popular part of human mythology and storytelling. Whether you wish to evoke a sense of power or simply marvel at their immensity, a bear mural or bear wallpaper is a great way to add a natural element to your space.

More Wildlife-Inspired Wall Murals and Wallpapers

Continue to explore stunning natural scenes and fun animal pattern wallpaper with our Wildlife wall murals. Whether you prefer solitary predators like wolves or swift forest inhabitants like deer and elk, we have hundreds of designs to explore and choose from. For more nature-inspired wallpapers, you can also check out our woodland pattern wallpaper.

Not finding the bear wallpaper or bear wall mural design you had in mind? We’re here to help! You can always Create Your Own, or contact us or call us at 888.558.0279 to connect with one of our Account Managers.

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